Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Society: Rape Culture:

Society: Rape Culture:

A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] U.S. History

I. Author Index

[Info] Herndon, Hannah. »"Be wary of the delusions of fancy!": Silencing and Rape Culture in Hannah Webster Foster's The Coquette#MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 151-161.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Herndon, Hannah. »'Be wary of the delusions of fancy!': Silencing and Rape Culture in Foster's The Coquette51st Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston 2020.

[Info] Hildebrand, Sarah, chair. »Reading and Theorizing Rape Culture (Part 1).« 51st Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston 2020.

E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] English History

I. Author Index


II. Speaker Index

[Info] Burroughs, Catherine, mod. »Rakes Wil Be Rakes: Coming to Terms with 18th-Century Rape Culture.« 25th Annual Conference of the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers Association. Chapel Hill 2017.

[Info] Solomon, Diana. »Force within Farce? Rape Culture in Restoration Comedies.« Joint Annual Conference of the Canadan Society and the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Toronto 2017.

[Site] German History

I. Author Index

[Info] Krimmer, Elisabeth, et al. »Introduction.« German #MeToo: Rape Cultures and Resistance, 1770-2020. Edited by Elisabeth Krimmer et al. Rochester 2022: 1-32.

[Info] Krimmer, Elisabeth, et al., eds. German #MeToo: Rape Cultures and Resistance, 1770-2020. Rochester 2022.

[Info] Wille, Lisa. »Eighteenth-Century #MeToo: Rape Culture and Victim Blaming in Heinrich Leopold Wagner's Die Kindermörderin (1776).« German #MeToo: Rape Cultures and Resistance, 1770-2020. Edited by Elisabeth Krimmer et al. Rochester 2022: 35-58.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Wille, Lisa. »Heinrich Leopold Wagner's Die Kindermörderin (1776) in the Context of #MeToo: Between Rape Culture and Victim Blaming.«; Forty-Third Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2019.